Monday, March 7, 2016


Day 1:

My first day off from work is weird. It's fucking weird. I woke up early for a dentist appointment, came home and cooked breakfast, and then took an epic college nap. I didn''t know what to do with myself. I've spent the majority of my life with some sort of responsibility, school, work, sports. I have never not had something to do - I've never found myself with so much free time.

So naturally, I feel a little lost. I just quit a highly coveted job at a pretty famous fashion company with what some people might say, no "real plan". But I have never felt more free in my entire life. I just spent the last 3 and a half years spending all of my time and energy into the beginning of my career. With the mindset that if I don't get a head now, I'll never catch up later. So after 40 some odd months of slaving away, gaining a SIGNIFICANT amount of weight, and wasting the early half of my twenties to a company, that for the most part, could not give two shits about me, I am finally F R E E.

The other difficult part about it is that I can't flat out say that I was unhappy, because there are a lot of things in my life that I am happy about. But I also can't say that I am happy, because well I'm not. I found myself debating for months about just up and leaving, and that got me excited. And I didn't want the fear of the unknown keep me from doing something that I believe could make me happy. 

This past year has been an extremely tough, both mentally, physically, and emotionally. At 25 years old, I had a different expectation of where my life would be at this point. And to many on the outside, they may have thought I was exactly where I should be. I graduated from a great college, with a great internship, that lead to the start of an amazing career. My experiences and all of the opportunities I have had are definitely once in a lifetime - ones that I have never taken for granted. But the more and more I looked at, the more I realized that I was the one being taken advantage of. 

So after the first day of freedom, I have declared to myself, to the universe, that I will not take this opportunity for granted. I will use the time that I have to accomplish my short term goals, and I will set out on this journey called life to become a better person with hopes that I constantly find myself and my purpose here along the way. I don't think this will be easy, and I'm sure I will have my moments where I am scared as hell questioning everything that I am doing, but I will make the most out of it. 

Cheers to being 25, Fabulous and Fashionably Funemployed - 
All Girls Deserve to Sparkle

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Lost in Translation

I started this blog when I was graduating college expecting to keep track of all life's adventures in this transitional time of life. To look back many years from now and admire/cringe/laugh at all I went through, as this is supposed to be the most exciting yet frightening time of anyone's life.

And here I am a little over 2 years out and have found that I am no where near where I dreamed I'd be. I've lost myself in the transition of life.
Yes, I am fully employed with what people would call a "great" job - and don't get me wrong, I am super grateful for where I am in my career, but looking at where I am and where I imagined I'd be are so far off.

I am in a career and an industry that I am unsure if I want to continue.
I live with my parents. I repeat, I LIVE with my parents (and my amazing baby kitty).
I am more single than single is.
I am not overweight, but I am not thin or fit or even close to living the heathly, fit lifestyle we all (at one point or another) claim that we will live.

Actually, I find myself more confused than ever. I thought your mid-twenties were supposed to be this amazing time of your life? And then I reflect back on myself and ask if I'm doing something wrong.

I tend to play the blame game on the things that I am unhappy about rather owning up to it and changing my life.
Like, if a girl ain't happy, why doesn't she do anything about it?!

I'll tell you why, because I blame my amazing, coveted job that I don't have the courage to leave.
The job that pays my CC bill, provides me with insurance, and does not add happiness to my life. And the f*cked up part about that, is I only imagine that this is a scenario most people find themselves in.

So what would I do if I had the guts to just mic drop my job and leave?
I thought about starting a YouTube channel, writing a (successful) blog, going back to school, quitting work and just spending 6 months working on myself physically, mentally, etc.

I'm not entirely sure what is ahead of me at this point, I guess anything can happen. But one (or two) thing is for sure, I want to be happy and healthy.

So here is to continuing the beginning of my life and actually striving to make my life what I want it to be.


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Tinder Talk

I have a personal vendetta against online dating, and before I go any further, I just want to say that I am only against online dating for myself. I think that it is great for working people who are over the whole bar scene and/or all of their friends are already married. So, with that being said, I'll continue.. I have a personal vendetta against online dating (for myself) because it makes me feel as if I have inadequate people skills. I am all for blind dates, being set up, etc. but I refuse to fill out a questionnaire about myself that allows an algorithm to find my 'soul mate' - ain't happening. However, a couple of weeks ago, I just kept hearing about the app named Tinder - an online datin.. excuse me, I mean an online HOOK UP app. I blame it on how slow work was that day.. but I was intrigued so I downloaded it and have never looked back since. It. Is. Hilarious. Not only because you sign in with Facebook and can see if you have mutual friends, but because it is the most shallow way of meeting people. You can look at up to 5 pictures of the person and then either swipe to the left - a no or swipe to the right - a yes. If you both swipe yes, you can chat, if one swipes no, you'll never see that person again.

It's Been a While...

So, I've been super busy, too busy to post, or too lazy. A lot has happened, too much to write at least. I just wanted to use this post as a way to get back into things...

nothing truer

 dream home

beautiful flowers

giraffe love

do this


my kinda saturday morning

and everyday

yes, please

blake, you are perfect

and beautiful

i guess so...

gold & glittery

love this combination

please & thank you

and ignite your bones

love this

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Chapter 1: Week 1

So, the first week of my new life has passed by and just in that week SO many amazing things happened. I was hired as a Production Assistant for Urban Outfitters Sweaters, which I am too excited to start on September 9th. I sold my tickets to Made in America to spend the Labor day weekend at home with my family, and I feel more ready than ever to take on my training for the Philly half marathon on November 17. I also learned that my family may vacation in the Adirondacks over the holidays AND possibly a Caribbean trip in January or February, which is even more of an incentive to get my (not so) little butt back in action. Although I may not have been as dedicated as I had hoped for my first week, I am still so excited for the fall and for new things to come.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My Declaration...

I created this blog to keep record of my journey back to who I am, or rather, who I was before red solo cups, drunk texts, and four lokos. Back to my independent self that slipped away with my foggy drunken nights, assignment deadlines, and mostly my college years. And I believe I am still on the path that I started a couple months ago, I think just lost my drive and my focus, while getting caught up in the midsummer's heat. So with summer's end on the horizon, I am making a declaration for myself, a promise that I will become fit and healthy. I once heard that life is all about manifestations. So, here it is: I'm declaring August 26, 2013 as the first day of the rest of my life, the way that I want to live and the way I want to be. It will be the official start date of my journey.

This journey entails getting myself back into shape, eating healthy, reading more, loving myself first, and becoming the person that I want to be. I have had this idea in my head since I can remember, wanting to be a better person. And I'm done wanting it, I will become it.