Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Lost in Translation

I started this blog when I was graduating college expecting to keep track of all life's adventures in this transitional time of life. To look back many years from now and admire/cringe/laugh at all I went through, as this is supposed to be the most exciting yet frightening time of anyone's life.

And here I am a little over 2 years out and have found that I am no where near where I dreamed I'd be. I've lost myself in the transition of life.
Yes, I am fully employed with what people would call a "great" job - and don't get me wrong, I am super grateful for where I am in my career, but looking at where I am and where I imagined I'd be are so far off.

I am in a career and an industry that I am unsure if I want to continue.
I live with my parents. I repeat, I LIVE with my parents (and my amazing baby kitty).
I am more single than single is.
I am not overweight, but I am not thin or fit or even close to living the heathly, fit lifestyle we all (at one point or another) claim that we will live.

Actually, I find myself more confused than ever. I thought your mid-twenties were supposed to be this amazing time of your life? And then I reflect back on myself and ask if I'm doing something wrong.

I tend to play the blame game on the things that I am unhappy about rather owning up to it and changing my life.
Like, if a girl ain't happy, why doesn't she do anything about it?!

I'll tell you why, because I blame my amazing, coveted job that I don't have the courage to leave.
The job that pays my CC bill, provides me with insurance, and does not add happiness to my life. And the f*cked up part about that, is I only imagine that this is a scenario most people find themselves in.

So what would I do if I had the guts to just mic drop my job and leave?
I thought about starting a YouTube channel, writing a (successful) blog, going back to school, quitting work and just spending 6 months working on myself physically, mentally, etc.

I'm not entirely sure what is ahead of me at this point, I guess anything can happen. But one (or two) thing is for sure, I want to be happy and healthy.

So here is to continuing the beginning of my life and actually striving to make my life what I want it to be.


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