Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My Declaration...

I created this blog to keep record of my journey back to who I am, or rather, who I was before red solo cups, drunk texts, and four lokos. Back to my independent self that slipped away with my foggy drunken nights, assignment deadlines, and mostly my college years. And I believe I am still on the path that I started a couple months ago, I think just lost my drive and my focus, while getting caught up in the midsummer's heat. So with summer's end on the horizon, I am making a declaration for myself, a promise that I will become fit and healthy. I once heard that life is all about manifestations. So, here it is: I'm declaring August 26, 2013 as the first day of the rest of my life, the way that I want to live and the way I want to be. It will be the official start date of my journey.

This journey entails getting myself back into shape, eating healthy, reading more, loving myself first, and becoming the person that I want to be. I have had this idea in my head since I can remember, wanting to be a better person. And I'm done wanting it, I will become it.

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